Here you find a map with known Taekkyon circles in Germany. The links inside the map refer to contact information to the specific circle which is listed under the map. For more information please visit their homepage and/or contact their contact person.
Taekkyon circle Berlin:
announcement (2005-11-09)
Because of a stay of the trainer in Korea there is no workout in Berlin for now. If there are changes you will be informed over the "New"-box on the "Home"-Site.
Taekkyon circle Dusseldorf: (once Neuss)
Friday: 20:00 till 22:00
Gymnasium of the secondary modern school at the Ratherkreutzweg (right next to the suburban train station "Rath Mitte")
Taekkyon circle Frankfurt a.M.:
At the moment, we are building up a new group in Frankfurt (Main). We still need more people who are interested to join this group. So, if you live in the area around and have interest in taking part please send an email to We will provide you with further information then.
Taekkyon circle Hamburg:
Lacation (and practicetime):
Hendrik Rubbeling • 0049(0)40 - 982 643 02 and 0049(0)1577 - 384 67 68 •
Taekkyon circle Jülich:
This page is only online due to remembrance of the circle in Jülich. There is no workout anymore. But you can view pictures and videos from the early steps of Taekkyon in Germany. 
Taekkyon circle Lübeck:
Practicetime and Lacation under:
Marc Sauer • 0049(0)451-87 91 016