Legende |
 = .avi − AVI animation
 = .mpg − MPEG animation
 = .rm − Real Media (streaming)
 = .wmv − Windows Media Video (Microsoft Video)
 = .asf − Microsoft Advanced Streaming Format File
 = .rar − compressed file archive created by RAR
To decompress the Files you can use any program that knows the
rar-format. Amongst other things you can youse the program from RARLAB
who also developed the format, or you can use the freeware from 7-zip
which also can handle the rar-format. You can get get the programs from
the following sites:
http://www.rarlab.com/download.htm  The program by RARLAB
http://www.rarlab.com/rar_add.htm  Freeware version by RARLAB (commandline version)
http://www.7-zip.org/download.html  Freeware by 7-zip under the GNU LGPL.
KTA • Performance |
demo.asf |
1.331.837 Bytes • (2:15) • ASF-Video  |
performancevideo I
jeongjo_muye_200205.wmv |
26.473.352 Bytes • (15:34) • WMV-Video  |
Traditional Korean martial arts festival with several ancient martial arts and Taekkyon.
The video is from the site http://www.rpi.edu/~kime2/ehtm/ehobby.html (Movie 3) and can also be downloaded there.
Added: 2004-12-03
okcashbag01.rm |
2.736.072 Bytes • (2:14) • RealMedia  |
performancevideo II
tk200106201.wmv |
8.268.048 Bytes • (11:43) • WMV-Video  |
Korean and English version of an demonstration video. The English version follows directly the Korean one.
The video is from the site http://www.rpi.edu/~kime2/ehtm/ehobby.html (Movie 1) and can also be downloaded there.
Added: 2004-12-03
KTA • Competition 1999 |
1999_end_final.asf |
1.883.938 Bytes • (3:09) • ASF-Video  |
competitionvideo I
1999_end_sidekick.asf |
220.617 Bytes • (0:22) • ASF-Video  |
competitionvideo II
1999_end_kyutkki.asf |
162.186 Bytes • (0:16) • ASF-Video  |
competitionvideo III
1999_end_hwaemok.asf |
200.163 Bytes • (0:20) • ASF-Video  |
competitionvideo IV
1999_end_deotgeori.asf |
208.515 Bytes • (0:20) • ASF-Video  |
competitionvideo V
1999_end_baltakui.asf |
197.262 Bytes • (0:20) • ASF-Video  |
competitionvideo VI
KTA • Forms and techniques |
1_old_pum.asf |
1.899.096 Bytes • (3:13) • ASF-Video  |
basicstep − pum
2_old_hwalkae.asf |
1.831.400 Bytes • (3:06) • ASF-Video  |
technique − hwalkae
3_old_sonjil.asf |
1.033.109 Bytes • (1:44) • ASF-Video  |
basic-handtechniques − sonjil
4_old_baljil.asf |
3.457.832 Bytes • (5:51) • ASF-Video  |
basic-kick − baljil
5_old_maekiki1.asf |
2.002.009 Bytes • (3:23) • ASF-Video  |
partnerexercise 1 − maekiki 1
6_old_maekiki2.asf |
2.231.164 Bytes • (3:45) • ASF-Video  |
partnerexercise 2 − maekiki 2
7_old_maekiki3.asf |
2.334.324 Bytes • (3:57) • ASF-Video  |
partnerexercise 3 − maekiki 3
8_old_maatdae.asf |
2.543.009 Bytes • (4:18) • ASF-Video  |
leg-throw − maatdae
9_old_bontae-1.asf |
1.451.598 Bytes • (2:27) • ASF-Video  |
form 1 − bontae-1
10_old_bontae-2.asf |
714.564 Bytes • (1:12) • ASF-Video  |
form 2 − bontae-2
tk200201251.wmv |
4.257.814 Bytes • (2:18) • WMV-Video  |
Meditation form
The video is from the site http://www.rpi.edu/~kime2/ehtm/ehobby.html (Movie 2) and can also be downloaded there.
Added: 2004-12-03
KTK (Kyeolyeon Taekkyon Kyaeseung-Hwe) |
support_0.wmv  |
47.298.492 Bytes • (27:29) • WMV-Video  |
Movie, theatre and Taekkyon-demonstration
The video is from the site http://taekyun.org/bbs/zboard.php?id=video_00 (the second picture from the left) and can also be downloaded there.
Added: 2004-12-03
Taekkyon_02.wmv |
8.198.213 Bytes • (1:19) • WMV-Video  |
A more serious fight in a grove of bamboo.
The video is from the site http://www.bullshido.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/1798/cat/523 and can also be downloaded there.
Added: 2007-07-13
tk_ts_00.wmv |
3.818.632 Bytes • (2:15) • WMV-Video  |
Videoclip mit Rockmusik & Taekkyon
The video is from the site http://taekyun.org/bbs/zboard.php?id=video_00 (the first picture from the left) and can also be downloaded there.
Added: 2004-12-03
Here a direct link to a video corner at tkbattle.com. Fights in competitions with the original rules are shown, this includes also the use of hard kicks to the legs.
If you klick on the image on the left or the associated text in the
listing, you get to the corresponding site with the video. For download
just click on the left button (black text on red ground) under the
"box" with the title "TKB MEDIA".
JavaScript has not to be enabled for download.
Added: 2006-07-04
KTTA (Korea Traditional Taekkyon Association) |
jung_12.mpeg |
42.461.069 Bytes • (4:29) • MPEG Animation  |
2 forms which are also learned in the KTA.
Added: 2004-12-03
jung_6.mpeg |
12.742.603 Bytes • (1:20) • MPEG Animation  |
Added: 2004-12-03
jung_mag.mpeg |
20.208.483 Bytes • (2:09) • MPEG Animation  |
Jump-form (whith specific KTTA-techniques)
Added: 2004-12-03
Taekgyeon.wmv |
5.835.997 Bytes • (3:27) • WMV-Video  |
A competition in the KTTA-style. Often you see the circling movement of
the arm from the fighter for the covering, when they stalk each other.
This technic was passed down by Song Dokki but it is emphasised by Shin
Hanseung (where the style of KTTA is found of) very much. Added: 2006-07-13
no association |
Long TV program from the 80's or 70's (~30 min.).
To view the video click on the picture and wait what's happening.
It seems that the video is only viewable with the Internet Explorer
(with enabled JavaScript), if at all. I myself (web master) didn't get
it to work with the IE.
Added: 2006-02-02
Short program (part of a longer set of "human interest" stories)
To view the video click on the picture and wait what's happening.
It seems that the video is only viewable with the Internet Explorer
(with enabled JavaScript), if at all. I myself (web master) didn't get
it to work with the IE.
Added: 2006-02-02
taekkyon_tangun2001.avi new! |
15.996.844 Bytes • (2:12) • AVI-Video  |
Taekkyon workout in Russia
The video is from the site http://www.taekkyon.ru/video/tangun.php and can also be downloaded there.
Added: 2007-01-05
unknown source |
g76-1.mpg |
9.919.530 Bytes • (0:36) • MPEG Animation  |
Shin HanSeung
Song_Duk_ki.avi |
9.837.116 Bytes • (0:10) • AVI Animation  |
Song Dokki in action
Added: 2005-06-11